
Want to get started with biological farming, but don’t know where to start? Here’s our series of educational articles to get you up and running.

Bioguide #1

Soil types and the potential for microbial life.
How soil biology differs across soil types and what you can do about it. When you buy a rural property, what are you getting? Soil.

Bioguide #2

How soil microbes improve plant health.
Exploring the dynamic relationship between soil microbes and plants, and why healthy plants start with biologically active soil.

Bioguide #3

Meet your soil microbes – Mycorrhizal fungi, other fungi and bacteria.
An overview of the classes of soil microbes and their role in supporting healthy plants.

Bioguide #4

Growing nutrient-dense food.
How soil biostimulants improve mineral uptake and help grow nutrient-dense food. Today’s food is often calorie-dense but low in nutrients.

Bioguide #5

Biostimulants: what are they and how do they work?
Activating beneficial microbial life to solve growing problems. Microbial biostimulants contain substances and/or micro-organisms which…

Bioguide #6

Soil microbes and the seasons
Synchronising your farming practices with changes in soil microbial populations. Soil microbial populations change in response to their food sources…

Bioguide #7

Improving decomposition and nutrient recycling
The science behind breaking down organic matter. One of the key roles microbes play on the farm or orchard is the decomposition of organic matter…

Bioguide #8

Foliar spray and plant health
How microbe-stimulating foliar sprays support plant resilience. Plant leaves are critical for photosynthesis – the process that provides the plant with energy…

Bioguide #9

Calf rearing tips for gut health
Why maintaining gut health for calf immunity and growth is our #1 calf rearing tip. It’s not surprising that calves (particularly dairy calves)…

Bioguide #10

Impact of biostimulants on nutrient dense foods
Today’s food is often calorie dense but nutrient low. Low nutrient-density in our foods is often blamed for human health issues such as obesity.

Bioguide #11

Silage: A simple way to preserve surplus spring pasture for feeding animals when feed shortages occur. The ensiling process relies on the activity of acetic…

Bioguide #12

Pasture hay is usually made in early summer from the excess feed on livestock farms, whereas other types of hay are made from crops such as cereal…

Bioguide #13

Rumen function under stress
Tips for healthy rumen function during animal stress. A healthy functioning rumen is home to billions of micro-organisms, including a wide range of bacteria…