Trials and case studies

Have a look through all the trials we have conducted around the world with real farmers.

Feed more cows per bale

Trial SilageKing
By activating ensiling bacteria and by reducing the activity of spoilage microbes, SilageKing retains more metabolic energy in silage.


Technical sheet Mycorrcin Foliacin
If you want to find out how Mycorrcin and Foliacin can be used in your orchard and see you can reduce cherry splitting and cracking, as well as improving storage – download our flyer.


Trial Foliacin
We pitted Foliacin against a competitor’s product to see which had the greater impact on cherry cracking and yield. You can read all of the details in our trial sheet.


Trial HayKing
Nutritional analysis of HayKing treated hay showed that the metabolizable energy (ME) was 11% higher than non-treated bales.

Increase lettuce yield

Trial Mycorrcin
A trial was conducted on a commercial lettuce crop in Murray Bridge, South Australia, to measure the impact Mycorrcin has on yield.

Boost veggie seedlings

Trial Mycorrcin
Lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower seedlings treated with Mycorrcin showed greater root development and bigger, sturdier and more uniform seedling size.

Faster decomposition

Trial Digester
Digester efficiently decomposes crop residue that fungal and bacterial pathogens survive on between crops, reducing disease pressure on consequent crops.